Monday, March 3, 2014

Reflection on the Lenten Promise

In Reflection on Friday, our Program Director Amy Eckhouse shared a few thoughts about the Lenten season. She asked them what obstacles seem to get in the way of their “Resurrection,” their best self.

Here are their replies:

“The yelling between my parents weigh me down”
“Some of my friends are in gangs and I worry about them”
“People donʼt accept me the way I am”
“My dad does not come around”
“The cyber world makes me want to hide”
“My teachers are unreasonable at times”
“I feel unloved by the people I care about most”
“My mom drinks too much"
“I worry about my mom because we donʼt have any money. She worries about paying
“No one knows Iʼm sick”
“I drink too much”
“My mom not living with me”
“My dadʼs erratic behavior”
“When my mom calls me a b***h”
“Dealing with my cousins murder”
“My mind”
“When I tried to take my life”
“I have depression and sometimes I cut”
“I get bullied”
“Having sex too soon”
“I have a dark imagination”
“Sometimes I throw up”
“My anger causes me to hurt people”
“My dad started a new family and left me behind”
“My mom is sick and I am so afraid of losing her”
“My dad cheated on my mom and mom takes it out on us”
“Having careless, unprotected sex”
“When my dad hits me”
“Dad left us when I was little and I donʼt trust any boys in my life”
“Iʼm always wearing a mask, nobody really knows me”
“People make fun of me because of my weight”

During the Lenten season we look at the obstacles that get in the way. These teens were urged to be honest, and write down the most serious things that are getting in the way of them being their best selves. These students are dealing with real issues-- peer pressure, bullying, and stressful home situations. 

We introduced the Lenten season to our teens as a time for reflection and working on better themselves. They are taking the challenge to be mindful about, and actively working on the things their lives that are holding them back. 

It's going to be quite a journey, but we are confident they will come through stronger and wiser than they were before. 

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