Thursday, October 17, 2013

Teens Were Asked...

Yesterday in Reflection we asked a challenging question--

What has made you the person you are today?

“The difficult obstacles I've faced”

“The good and the bad things that have happened to me”

“My community”


“When people push me away…how I’m always replaced -never being good enough…always forgotten."

“My father not being there for me”

“Friends, family”

“I compliment myself…when I was little I was always called ugly”

“Dealing with people who tell me I can’t do anything”

“My eagerness to be myself even if I’m different”

“Learning who to trust and recognizing those who don’t want the best for me”

“My insecurities have made me feel bad.”  “I’m getting better with this”

“My Mom!” 
(Many students gave this response...) 

“My history makes me the person I am today.  Many people have came into my life temporarily and have broken trust and loyalty.  I always have my guard up.”

“The obstacles and the people who have not been nice to me.”

“Me just being me and not letting anyone have power over who god made me to be.”

“My family has given me the confidence in myself that I show.”


“My haters”

“My parents divorce affected me because I feel I never got the attention I needed -  Now I look for attention in the wrong places”

“Being the ‘invisible’ one – being bullied”

“My dad who has abandoned me, my appearance, and other issues”

“My Faith”

“Seeing my older sister make bad choices keeps me thinking”

“My life experiences”

“My Granny, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be the person I am today.”

“I am the person I am today because my dad helps me take the worse situations and make them better.” 

The students answered thoughtful-- recognizing that both joys and hardships shape who you are, as a person. There is an essence of honesty in their answers. They realize that things need to change, and they look to better themselves through Reflection and offered guidance on behalf of our staff. We look forward to continued growth and love for our students.

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